Q: What's a hobby of your's?

A: Drawing and writing. I promise in the future I'll upload so of my reality drawings.

Q: How'd you ever get a name like GooberRoarIIII?

A: It's a long story. I'll put up a link to an answer I wrote on Pixton. http://pixton.com/comic/wrkr0khc

Q: Are you popular on Pixton?

A: Pretty popular. I've been featured and have tons of friends, fans, and faves.

Q: Why did you choose Pixton?

A: My friend, a.k.a. Pixton author charlesthepossum, introduced me to Pixton. I thought it was fun, and kept on it.

Q: Who are some of your favorite Pixton authors?

A: Mrdiget, Joetoon1, supernaturaltoe, iphoenix, Osoguineapig, and charlesthepossum.

Q: Anything else you want to add?

A: Make an account on Pixton, visit my site, and visit other author sites.

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